Our Mission Statement
Providing food, resources and compassion is the mission of the Naples Open Cupboard as we strive to support a community where everyone has access to good quality, nutritious food along with affordable clothing for those in need.
Our Vision Statement
Naples Open Cupboard is working to eliminate hunger and improve the health and well-being of our community by partnering and collaborating with various organizations and people to improve access to healthy and nutritious foods, while simultaneously educating the community we serve.
Our Partners
We are pleased to partner with Foodlink to bring healthy foods to our community. Foodlink provides us with many non-perishable items through discounted purchases and grants that we receive through them. What we can't purchase directly from Foodlink we use donations to purchase food from local businesses. Many local businesses help us directly by donating food items weekly. Monetary and other donations from our generous community and friends are partners too. The Naples Village allows us to use part of their building to service the pantry and closet.
Our Community
Our community is a valued partner in our work. Business owners, groups, schools, and individuals provide donations and support on an ongoing basis.
In 2019 many business and community organizations partnered with us. Some have worked with us for years and other businesses, organizations and individuals are newer supporters of The Naples Open Cupboard. Local churches, businesses, and the Naples NY Rotary Club are examples of groups with whom we work. Leaders and staff from our school district, offer support, and are instrumental in directing families in need to our doors.
Groups hold winter clothing drives, food collections and donations of personal care items. The community has supported our holiday programs through generous donations of food, toys, and funds. We are always interested in working with new groups, businesses, and volunteers to support our work.
Who We Serve
Services are open to all. Our food pantry sees an average of 200-250 visits per month. We strive to improve outreach to all those in need and increase the population served every month.​ The food pantry can be visited once per month. There are no questions or requirements about income. We will ask you to sign in, provide your family size and address. All food is free.
What We Offer
We are a resource for individuals who have food instability or have difficulty making ends meet. We also serve individuals and families in times of crisis through both the food pantry and closet. Our closet provides access to free clothing, accessories, housewares, and toys for those in need. Regular community programs support families by providing holiday programs, children’s programs, furnishing school supplies and holiday meals throughout the year.
How We Serve
The work at The Naples Open Cupboard is done largely by a dedicated team of local volunteers. The roles and tasks are many. Volunteers unload and stock food deliveries, make regular pickups of food and household donations from our partners. The closet relies on volunteers to sort and organize donations, keep the sales floor organized, and assist customers. Volunteers manage record keeping, tracking and inventory. Others contribute unique skills such as overseeing social media or writing grants. The members of the volunteer board provide direction to insure that the Naples Open Cupboard continues to provide this needed service to the community of Naples, New York.